Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A room of wonder | Tokyo, at Tokyo Experimental Festival at TWS Shibuya

A room of wonder | Tokyo

A room of wonder is a performing museum project that departs from the literal but torn meaning behind the word biography: a life that writes. Writing as related to tracing, to registering, to framing; biography as related to accumulation, collection of moments, images, and sensations.

Some time ago, I came across the wonder rooms and the cabinets of curiosities. I was wondering about ways of saving one's memory in this subtle struggle against disappearance, and at the same time involved in a private reflection on an artist's ability to leave traces. These collections of singular objects common during the Renaissance were collections of universes, whose categorical frontiers were yet to be defined. These wonder rooms were individual portrayals of the vastness and sublime of the world in a room.   A devotional place, with no apparent rational categorization, but where the display was meant to produce wonder, to incite one's own imaginative recollection of the world. They were pre-museums of individual claim and a model for a microcosm or theater of the world, a memory gallery.

On our present days, the museums have become the guardians of mankind’s common history, where the categorizations have gained the force of the absolutes, however, the desire of making one’s own inventory of the world, one’s own collection of wonders, hasn’t abandoned us. Visible in the endless quantities of blogs and in the proliferation of virtual social networks, more than ever, the force of the inventory continues to attract individuals.

A room of wonder - Tokyo takes inspiration in these wonder rooms and invites a group of artists to the adventure of creating a collection of wonders and its translation and insertion in real time in an exhibition room for common share, with no limit of the medias used. A collection of their artistic trajectories, of their daily lives, of their belonging to different histories of art, of the scene, of their imaginaries and of their time. A collection of Japanese men and women, dancers, actors, sculptors, video artists, performers, working collaboratively across fields, helping each other, sharing tools and knowledge for the creation of one room of wonders.

A room of wonder | Tokyo is the result of a residency at Tokyo Wonder Site, under International Creator in Residency Program  (August-November 2012). Earlier this year,  the project created and exhibited A room of wonder | Rio, with Brazilian artists at Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

At Tokyo Experimental Festival, Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya
November 15-16-17th
Artist talk :  Nov 15th, at 19h.

concept : Gustavo Ciríaco

Kae Ishimoto (dancer)
Megumi Kamimura (dancer, choreographer)
Yoi Kawakubo (photographer)
Takumi Kitada (visual artist, sculptor)
Daiske Kino-Shita (musician)
Koh Sato (performing artist, visual artist)
Kento Nito (sculptor, performing artist)
Ryo Fujii (visual artist, sculptor)

[Support] Rio de Janeiro State Cultural Secretariat
Special and hearty thanks to Antonio Pedro Lopes, Daisuke Hirose & Digital Studio, Pedro Rivera, Anna Ladeira & Curto Circuito, Daisuke Harada, Takumi Ohsawa, Fumiko, Reina Senga, Miwa Takamura, Ayako Oshima. Tamami & TWS and Tokyo Experimental Festival staffs, Kayoko Imamura, Daisuke Myatsu, Junko Ohno, Noriyuki Kiguchi, Prof. Yoshitaka Mouri  and all the artists who contributed to this project became a reality. 

グスタヴォ・チリアコ 「A room of wonder | Tokyo」
トーキョー・エクスペリメンタル・フェスティバルVol.8 TEFサウンドインスタレーション  <推奨プログラム>
会 期: 2013年11月15日(金) - 2013年11月17日(日) 入場料: 無料主 催: 公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 トーキョーワンダーサイト後 援:
会 場: トーキョーワンダーサイト渋谷

「髭のナイス・ガイ」ことグスタヴォ・チリアコが集めた日本の若手アーティストたちによる体験型作品が並ぶ「A room of wonder」は、近代的な博物館の原型であるルネサンス期の「驚異の部屋(wunderkammer)」から着想を得て、それぞれの芸術活動の軌跡、異なる美術史、日常生活、環境、想像力をコレクションし、展示空間にリアルタイムに組み入れた体験型ミュージアムです。年齢、性別、経歴、活動の異なる様々な分野のアーティストたちが用意した、ちょっと不思議な"体験"をお楽しみください。



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About Me

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Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro. I am a performing artist and art maker coming from dance. I love to dialogue with the historical, material and affective context we are immersed in any given situation. As art form, my work goes from multimedia stage conceptual work to convivial and open-air pieces. It strikes me the awareness and fictions arising from the sublime of daily situations, its materiality, the reference points that we cling to and build up our relation to reality and how meaning grows from this. contacts: gustavociriaco@gmail.com | marine@elclimamola.com

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