Room 502
It’s your fault, by Ryo Fujii.
Ryo Fujii
A sculptor and multimedia artist, as a
teenager, Ryo had the habit of inviting friends for meetings for which he
didn’t show up. Instead he chose a particular context where his friends would interact, such as a canteen, the working place for the girl that one of his friends secretly admired. Hidden away,
he would check their reactions. As a translation to this situation, he asked the
visitor in front a closed door, to give the instructions for an excellent
performer who is the room. I want something very dramatic. I want to
see the limits of human being. I want
to laugh, were some of the things the visitors have asked. Door open and
then closed. Lights on. The performer accomplishes the task. Now the next performer.
Are you satisfied?, by Takumi Kitada.
Takumi Kitada
A sculpture artist, dealing with photography, installation, interactive art and
drawing. He is silent, attentive and serious, but sensitive to people’s
demands. When he was at the age of five, his father was very sick and his death
was eminent. In this fragile state, yet not feeble in spirit, taught his son
how to carve until it the work was done. More than teaching a skill that would
be fundamental in his practice, his father was leaving a legacy in values.
Applied ethics. He would say: Are you
satisfied? In a room with two chairs facing each other, Takumi with his
calm mood asks the visitor the same question: Are you…?
The space you draw in, by Megumi Kamimura
Megumi Kamimura
As a choreographer and dancer, Megumi is
curious about how a body in space creates poetry out of position and
dislocation. As a wonder, Megumi selected a quite ordinary experience, but one that has
produced in her a sense of the sublime she was after. Everyday she would pass,
in her daily metro ride, by a very open non-space, in the sequence of a typical
Tokyoite urban landscape fragmented by layers and layers of man-made
constructions. She remembers the sensation that produced in her. As an
experience, the visitor followed instructions written in pieces of paper in
certain points of the room. The fridge is
listening to your breathing. The
floor is seeing the back of your feet. Little by little, one is carried
through the space until an open space is revealed. The vacant space is watching you.